
“战战兢兢”,汉语成语,形容非常害怕而微微发抖的样子,也形容小心谨慎的样子。可以翻译为“tremble with fear,be afraid and trembling或gingerly”等。 例句: 她战战兢兢地开车经过安...

“不堪一击”,汉语成语,字面意思是力量薄弱,经不起一击(cannot withstand a single blow),形容十分脆弱,或经不起反驳。可以翻译为“too weak to stand competition [attack],very vulnerable或 (of a theory) that cannot be defended against attack or criticism”...

后多比喻站在一旁看着,不动手帮助,可以翻译为“sit by and watch,be an onlooker/by-stander”。 例句: 他们吵得不可开交,你要去制止,不能作壁上观。 They are quarreling fiercely. You should go and stop them rather than sit and watch.

“雪上加霜”,意思是在雪上还加上了一层霜(literally snow plus frost),常用来比喻接连遭受灾难(one disaster after another),损害愈加严重。与英语习语“add insult to injury”意思相近,表示“ to make a bad situation worse”。 例句: 今天早上我的车差点没发动起...

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